On the 14th and 15th of August 2018, NOW! Bali gathered close hotel partners to present and announce a brand new manifesto.


When companies start, it is not uncommon for them to begin with a set of missions, rules and principles. NOW! Bali, when it began in January 2009, started with the same tasks, and now with its 10th year soon approaching it was an important time to restate these starting principles in a brand new “manifesto” to our partners. The 11 principles in which NOW! Bali does its best to work by are the following:

1. We represent the Balinese community and care for their culture, heritage, and way of life above all.
2. Our first priority is to our readers, the people who rely on us to be accurate, honest, up-to-date and informative.
3. Our second priority is to our clients, our supporters, the hospitality industry of Bali, the hotels, the restaurants, the parks, the clubs, the retailers etc.
4. We prefer culture to lifestyle, care to cash, education to entertainment.
5. We embrace modern ideas but strive to preserve traditional values.
6. We admire people who look after their communities more than those who look after themselves.
7. We encourage travel but promote sustainability.
8. We acknowledge that heritage and history cannot be replaced.
9. We strive for ethical employment, respect for our stakeholders and our customers, and encourage responsible behaviour wherever possible.
10. We think CSR is part of our business not an added extra.
11. We encourage creativity and innovation but still believe that our traditional skills and process should be continually improved.


NOW! Bali is best presented by its content, through which many of the principles listed can be seen. Every month we present a range of culturally-focused articles, presented by expert writers and contributors. We do this because culture is really at the heart of Bali, it is by all means what makes this island unique above any other island in the world. Unfortunately, culture is rarely presented with understanding and depth, which is why we turn to our expert contributors to share their knowledge on ceremonies, performing arts, sociology, visual art, belief systems and more. This content can be found at the back of every month’s magazine in our Real Bali section or in our website’s Culture section (nowbali.co.id).


The second point is our priority to our readers, whom we strive to create content for that is engaging and useful. On top of that, we hope for balance in our content, in such that we can share both the uncommercial and commercial sides of Bali to our readers. In our pages you will also find the Our Bali Heroes section, where we present some of the great organisations working to improve the island. It is our belief (point 6) that it is the people who look to help communities and not just themselves should be featured in our pages and our content.


So, we hope as our reader you are able to appreciate the principles in which our content and our company is based on. We hope that through our magazine you learn something about Bali and its beautiful culture, the people who care for it, the interesting, different and inspiring places you can discover and enjoy here on the island.

NOW Bali Editorial Team

NOW Bali Editorial Team

This article has been written or uploaded by NOW! Bali's in-house editorial team.