The Myth About Balinese Dreadlocks
Please don’t get fooled by the title, for this is no article on upbeat fashion and style. Rather, this is a story about how one’s path in life – a Balinese man in this case – is determined by his hair. We are talking about dreadlocks, the kind of hairstyle celebrated by the Rastafarians. In
Bali’s Jero Gede Mecaling, The Spreader of Death and Disease
These hot and humid days are the most difficult times in Bali. But make no mistake. It is not because of the rainy season. It is because the guardians of hell are cleaning their cauldron. Yes, they do a little housekeeping at this time of year. Suratma, who judges all souls at the gates of
The Origin of Uluwatu and Why Fishermen Cannot Become Rich
Historian and art critic Jean Couteau brings us stories depicting the life on Bali, sometimes real, sometimes myth, always meaningful.