After months of closing down during the Emergency Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM), Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster, has announced in the Circular Letter of the Governor of Bali No. 15 of 2021 that malls and tourist attractions are allowed to reopen and resume operations at a 50% capacity with strict health protocols implemented.
According to the Circular, activities at shopping centres, malls and trade centres are permitted to reopen under these guidelines:
- Activities at shopping centres, malls and trade centres can operate at a maximum visitor capacity of 50% until 9pm.
- Mandatory use of the PeduliLindungi application to screen all employees and visitors. Visitors permitted to enter shopping centres, malls and trade centres are those that have received the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
- High-risk community groups such as pregnant women, children below 12 years old, and elderlies above 70 years old are not allowed to enter.
- Restaurants and cafes in shopping centres, malls and trade centres must prioritise delivery/take away and are allowed to accept dine-in customers at a 25% capacity and a maximum dine-in time of 30 minutes.

Additionally, the Circular also stated that tourist attractions (natural, cultural, artificial, and spiritual attractions, and tourist villages) are allowed to reopen for trials under strict health protocols, a maximum visitor capacity of 50% and the use of the PeduliLindungi App.
Following this, the Tourism Attraction Management (Pengelola Daya Tarik Wisata) of Kuta Beach has begun testing the reopening of the beach are for visitors. “Starting today, we are trying to reopen Kuta Beach, in accordance to the Governor’s Circular, with a maximum visitor capacity of 50%,” stated Bendesa/ Kuta Traditional Village Head, Wayan Wasista, on Wednesday, 8 September 2021.
He said that his party has implemented various strict health protocols for the reopening trial of Kuta Beach. To ensure the implementation of health protocols, his party will deploy several officers including the Pecalang, Jagabaya and the Coastal Task Force to go around the beach and make sure that visitors are disciplined in following the health protocols in the coastal area.
Wayan Wasista also explained that during this reopening trial, his party also asked the public to utilise the PeduliLindungi App when entering Kuta Beach. However, this does not only apply to beach visitors. All traders selling along the coastal area must also implement strict health protocols and must have undergone the second dose of the vaccine.
“Traders who have not shown proof of the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine we will still be prohibited from selling temporarily. Hopefully, this way the public can realise the importance of vaccination, for themselves, for the neighbourhood and us as a community,” said Wayan Wasista.
He hopes that the reopening trial of the tourist attractions will run smoothly and that there will be no closing of tourist areas again in the future.