Tamora Gallery Berawa Canggu

Tamora Gallery: Canggu’s Answer to a Family Day Out

Looking for somewhere to let the kids run free while you can sit and enjoy a coffee or a meal on the side? Berawa’s Tamora Gallery may just be the place you’re looking for. Canggu has been growing into a huge tourism destination over the last few years. What was once a sleepy beachfront, Berawa

Manik Jiwa Dance

The dancers arrived at the stage just like a troop of warriors. Their feet pacing in perfect unison. They were dressed beautifully. Their costume is a modification of that found in the Baris soldier dance, a common traditional dance performed by male dancers. The costume shouts dominance with its bright red and gold, sparkling under

Gong Kebyar: Beautiful, Fast, Evolving

Kebyar means fast, the name Gong Kebyar is given to this genre of music because of its progressive rhythm and rapid tempo. It is one of several genres in the Balinese traditional music scene. Colin McPhee, in his book Music in Bali, wrote that according to his interview with A A Gde Gusti Jelantik, the

Fun with the Little One at GWK

In 2018, one of Bali’s largest and most impressive landmarks was completed. Garuda WisnuKencana – or just GWK as Indonesians refer to it – is a 121 metre high, copper-brass statue depicting the Hindu God Wisnu riding the god-bird Garuda.  It is eye catching to say the least, as it can be seen by those

Wayang Wong: The Dance of the Human Puppets

In Bali, tradition is cherished by the local community. Music, dance, carving, painting – all were once considered ways of paying homage to God, to the spirits of ancestors and to Mother Nature. These activities now considered ‘art’ were once holy acts, locally known as ngayah.  In the year 1478AD, the fall of the Majapahit

The Gandrung Dance: A Java-Bali Cultural Connection

When people hear of the Gandrung dance, their first thought are often of Banyuwangi, a coastal town on  the eastern tip of East Java. It is the closest town across the Bali Strait when leaving from Gilimanuk, Bali’s most western point. Whilst on the surface Javanese and Balinese cultures look different, deep down many similarities

Getting Muddy with Mepantigan, Bali’s Own Sport

Back in 2008, Putu Witsen, a former Taekwondo athlete, developed a unique style of martial art combining Balinese tradition and culture with Taekwondo techniques, he called it Mepantigan. Being a Balinese raised in Jakarta, there was a space between him and the Balinese culture and tradition. His move back to the island was purely career-driven,

The Sacred Rituals Behind the Barong Dance

The Barong, a character symbolising ‘good’ in Balinese Hindu belief, and therefore a key figure found in certain Balinese dances. The Barong is the central character of the widely watched Barong Dance. There are many types of Barong, all of which will mimic 4-legged animals, such as a lion, pig or cow. As a holy

Dining out with Kids in Bali

With energy surging through their little bodies, children are naturally impatient, especially below the age of 6. They like to move around, explore, chase their curiosities; waiting around and doing nothing is torture for them! But being parents to toddlers doesn’t mean a nice dinner out somewhere should be ruled out; if you’re like me,

Cultural Nights at the Ubud Palace

Puri Saren Ubud, popularly known as the Ubud Palace, is the witness of all changes that has been through by this artistic village, which is perhaps more suitably called a vibrant town now.  Situated at the heart of Ubud, the palace is the place for cultural connoisseurs. The beautiful compound that was built in the

Panji Semirang and the Golden Doll

The Majapahit, between the years 1293 to circa 1500, was once a great empire in South East Asia. It’s centre was in East Java and in fact it was this empire where the idea of ‘Nusantara’, or a great archipelagic nation, was born. The reach of Majapahit stretched as far as Burma, all the way

Visiting Kintamani with the Kids

Mount Batur, Kintamani and Toya BungkahHotspring are some of the highlights in the Bangli Regency, central Bali. The wild, rugged landscape of an active volcano aren’t just vistas for adults to enjoy; they instil wonder and an appreciation for nature in children too. A trip to this enchanting caldera makes for a great family day

Yoga for Kids : Movements & Meditations

Yes, Bali is the island of the gods, but it’s also an island of yogis! There are so many yoga classes taking place around the island now, from beach yoga, yoga in the hills, yoga in a high-tech studio down in Seminyak, you name it Bali has it. However they all have one thing in

Now Bali