Next to parked scoopies on a Berawa backstreet stands a humble board inviting those passing to a ‘no service charge’ ‘no plus plus’ and ‘no tipu tipu’ all-day brunch.

It’s an initiative of Re-Publik, a new social enterprise cafe in Berawa, Canggu, exclusively set up to showcase local artisanal products of Indonesia. The concept evolved particularly with those who lost employment during the pandemic in mind. 

Re-Publik Bali Berawa Cafe

Generally defined, social enterprises are businesses that exist to meet a social or environmental purpose rather than maximising profit for private gain, and a portion of generated revenues are devoted to the cause.

The concept manifested in the form of a cafe that scouts for local goods and curates them for the public eye. With island-favourite Seniman Coffee on tap and a homely arrangement, Re-Publik doubles as a co-working space offering an all-local all-day brunch.

The four young restaurateurs who founded Re-Publik, Ben, Tassa, Theo, and Anne share an appreciation for artisanal goods born in the archipelago; believing there are a plethora of local hidden gems yet to be discovered.

They describe the non-profit cafe as a place to collaborate with Indonesia’s skilled craft workers and bridge the connection between artisans, locavores and consumers alike. 

And much like a traditional cafe, it’s a place to meet over coffee, food, and work.  They have an all-day menu serving cafe favourites from sandwiches to salads to accompany your cold brew. 

But keep an eye out for the kouign-amann (‘the fattiest pastry in all of Europe’ as described in the New York Times), a special weekend-only treat brought from Ubud to Canggu by Senin Bakery. The baker behind the oven Weber Hsu is loved up north for his fresh breads and buns, and it’s here for us beach-dwellers to finally jump on the bandwagon.

Have a gander around the shelves, staging specially-curated artisanal items from all over the nation.

Small-batch chocolate bars from HAS Chocolate and cheese from Moon River Dairy are concrete proofs that luxury goods can be made locally for international tongues. 

The spotlight also shines on Teko Teas (herbs, spices, and teas from every corner of Indonesia), Seniman Coffee Beans, Ladang Lima (cassava flour producers that pioneered gluten-free products in Indonesia), Timur Rasa (their organic Kenari Nuts Spread is a must-try), and Jono’s Artisan Charcuterie.

“Adversity is inevitable. There’s no way to avoid it. But you can decide how you’re going to react to it,” said co-founder Ben Karmadi. To him, the equation is simple.

Open 7AM – 5PM
Jalan Tegal Sari No.51, Berawa, Canggu, Bali 80361
+62 852-8384-1945
IG: @republikkita_bali