Hospitality chain, TAUZIA Hotels, has announced a collaboration between its network in Bali and the local Bali government to help manage the Covid-19 pandemic by providing accommodation for Indonesian Migrant Workers in several of its hotels.

TAUZIA Hotels - POP! Hotel Kuta Beach

Indonesian Migrant Workers, such as those who had been working on cruise ships, have been allowed to return to their home towns. However, their return has caused some concern as they risk bringing the Covid-19 virus to new areas – such as the case in Bangli Regency where two workers tested positive upon return.

This is where TAUZIA Hotels has offered their service, by facilitating the required fourteen-day isolation returning migrant workers are required to complete before returning to their respective homes. The hotels donating rooms include HARRIS Hotel & Residences Sunset Road, HARRIS Hotel Denpasar, and POP! Hotel Denpasar.

With the help of the local desa adat, the collaboration between the hospitality brand and the local Bali government was devised as a pre-emptive measure to flatten the curve of the Covid-19 spread. These particular hotels were chosen by the local government due to their strict hygiene and health protocols, as well as their Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The hotels currently can provide up to 380 rooms to accommodate the Indonesian Migrant Worker groups from Bali along with the medical workers in charge of overseeing them. The in-bound migrant workers will have already gone through several screening processes from the countries where they work and will also go through rapid tests before they arrive at the hotels to ensure they are in a healthy condition. The strict procedure will place them in different rooms with supervision by professional medical workers.

TAUZIA Hotels - HARRIS Hotel Sunset Road Bali

To ensure the safety of all parties, including the employees, the health protocol in the hotels have been secured. They have implemented safety measures including body temperature check required for all guests and employees before entering the hotels, administering hand sanitisers in all areas of the hotels, and utilising disinfectant during regular room cleaning. All hotel employees on duty are required to wear protective masks, face shields and gloves. Furthermore, hotel employees in charge of housekeeping are required to wear full Personal Protection Equipment while cleaning the rooms.

“We want to ensure that our hotels implement the hygiene and health protocols as they should, so both guests and hotel employees in charge are protected. We hope this collaboration can also invite all communities to move together in reducing the spread of Covid-19,” said Nyoman Wirayasa, Cluster General Manager of TAUZIA Hotels Bali Region.

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Brian Sjarief

Brian Sjarief

Brian is an Associate Editor at NOW! Bali. He developed his central interest in the arts from an early age, pursuing his studies in Motion Pictures & Television in San Francisco with a focus on screenwriting. Through this long-held passion for film, he now channels his creativity into storytelling, be it written, visual or otherwise.